4 variants of the best sushi in Arlington TX you need to try ASAP!

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Seafood, vegetables, rice cooked in vinegar – yes that is right this is sushi for you. Some people claim sushi to be a monotonous food item. Well the traditional sushi platter does have the same ingredients and serving style with the seafood wrapped in rice or placed over a rice mash. Though this is true of a traditional serving style, the best sushi in Arlington TX proves it to be wrong. Sushi styles are changing constantly and with the high demand of sushi platters all over Texas, traditional methods of cooking and or serving is changing.

So, the next time that you decide to have a bite of this delicious Japanese cuisine, think of all of the variations that you can try out!

Sushi variants to try

Fusion of various food culture is a great way of experiencing a food that you never had before. Cuisine that comes in from different cultures and, or are cooked in a different way in each individual community has a great bonding power. There is no other thing that enhances the bond among people of various culture and background like food does. This being the reason, try out the different fusion styles that has been incorporated in sushi making or serving.

1.Taco’ in the sushi

A sushi that is tucked comfortably in a taco. Heard of that before?

imagine a taco, a Mexican taco that is filled with seafood and veggies. What kind of seafood you ask? Squids, octopuses and even fish bits. Sometimes gently grilled, sometimes cooked in vinegar. This is a fresh twist that you will be surprised to witness. A combination of Japanese cuisine with Mexican dishes is very rare. However, this is possible to create.

With every bite the love for sea food will increase ever so more. The crunchy covering along with soft succulent seafood is going to keep your taste buds from wanting more.

2.Dough-nut sushi

A sushi doughnut is a very creative form of sushi where the rice rolls forms the base whereas the topping is made of perfect fish and vegetable pieces.

With every bite you take a uniform amount of all the three.


Just like the doughnuts, sushi burgers are made in the hard and fast American way. The patty is made of meat or fish or any other seafood while the buns are replaced with rice. The toppings on the patty is made of vegetables with a hint of vinegar.

4.Minus the rice sushi

A wrapping of cucumber (peeled) and kimchi this also comes along with the whey protein. Eggs and spinach wraps are also served in this low carb version of sushi. Cauliflower rice is sometimes a great addition to this sushi and has a very intriguing touch to this version of sushi.

Creating these recipes demand lots of patience and trial by error policy. Hence, that may not e feasible for you. So what can be done? Well, you can always order the best sushi in Arlington TX. That way you get to enjoy the taste of a sushi platter in the most unique way without having to bother about creating such intriguing recipes!


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