Insomnia: What if I wake up at night?

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Insomnia can overtake a person at any time, and not only at the moment of falling asleep, as many believe. Someone wakes up at dawn and can no longer fall asleep, although there is still time to sleep before the alarm clock.

What if I wake up at night?

Wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to fall asleep again – an irritating and exhausting phenomenon. We want to relax, and there is such an opportunity, here it is, you just need to close your eyes.

After all, if it does not work out, the next day will turn into hell.

Such an early awakening can be the result of various reasons: loud noise on the street (sounds of a fire alarm, for example), nightmare, excessive cold or, conversely, heat, etc.

And when we wake up at night, then it is very difficult to fall asleep again. Someone continues to stay in bed and tossed from side to side, and someone prefers to get up and start your day early, remaking all the remaining and accumulated business (and sometimes doing some unusual and original things).

However, it is important to understand that quality rest is of fundamental importance for our physical and mental health. A bad dream, on the other hand, causes apathy, irritability, problems with memory and concentration of attention, drowsiness and many other things.

When should special attention be paid to early awakening? If this happens more than 3 times a week: this may be a sign that we are very worried and worried, which can eventually lead to serious health problems.


 Stand up to want to sleep

One way to deal with insomnia at night is to climb. You need to get out of bed, leave the room, turn on the dim light and do something quiet for 20-30 minutes.

Then you will need to go back to bed and try again to fall asleep. Something “quiet” everyone will have: someone will do yoga or meditate, and someone will read or will consider photographs (all individually).

It is important that these are actions that do not excite the nervous system. Therefore, in no case should you resort to “helping” coffee, cigarettes or alcoholic beverages. The effect can be reversed.

If you want to look at the screen of your phone or tablet, it is desirable to reduce the brightness as much as possible, and try to avoid white, green and blue light, as it interferes with the production of melatonin (a hormone responsible for sleeping quality and contributing to falling asleep).

If you decide to watch TV, it is important to choose the right program. It is not necessary to watch action films, news or any other video sequence with bright color flashes.

If after that you still can not fall asleep, try to repeat your actions. Of course, provided that there are more than 1-2 hours left before the alarm goes off. Otherwise, it’s better to just get up early and start your day.


Surely you have some business around the house (make dinner, make a shopping list, wash clothes, put things in order in the room, disassemble things, etc.).


How to cope with night insomnia?

No matter how hard the previous night was, do not try to compensate for your lack of sleep with a three-hour daytime sleep. Yes, and to carry his failed dream in the morning to get up at 10-11 instead of 7-8, too, should not.

These actions only aggravate the problem, and insomnia can become chronic.

The best solution is to wait for your usual time to go to bed and lie down. After a sleepless night, it is important that the recovery occurs as soon as possible, otherwise, you simply can not effectively cope with their duties.


Here are some more tips that might be helpful:

  1. Increase the intake of vitamin B12

With insufficient rest, our body spends more B vitamins (energy sources). The lack of these nutrients makes us feel sluggish, our mood spoils and trouble concentrating.

And in order to somehow restore these wasted vitamins, you can eat any of the following foods:


  • Mollusks, oysters, mussels
  • Fish, octopus, squid
  • Liver
  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  1. Have a drink of ginger tea

The root of ginger has many useful properties, so be sure to include it in your diet. If you suffer from insomnia, the level of the hormone cortisol rises, which immerses the body in a state of constant stress.

As a result, blood pressure rises, there is a feeling of heightened anxiety, immunity decreases. And, perhaps, there is nothing better than ginger tea to counter all these negative consequences of insomnia.

And to cook it is very simple:

Ingredients :


  • 1/4 teaspoon grated ginger (2 grams)
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (20 g)
  • 1 sachet of black tea

Cooking method:

  • Heat the water and pour it into the cup.
  • Put a tea bag in it and let it brew for 5 minutes.
  • Then remove the sachet and add the ginger.
  • Stir well and sweeten the drink with honey.
  1. Avoid consumption of fats and sugars

The diet with a high content of carbohydrates, fats, and sugars in principle cannot be called healthy. After all, this energy is spent instantly.

And even if it seems to you that only such food will save you after a sleepless night, know that the effect will be fleeting, and very soon you will feel even more broken than at the moment of awakening.

Instead, we recommend giving preference to healthy food, rich in protein, fiber and vegetable fats, which can provide a longer charge of energy. And then insomnia will remain in the past.


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