CBD (Cannabidiol) Guest Post Accepted – Contact US

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Actually, cannabis is also an Ayurvedic medicine, which can cause intoxication due to excessive intake. While it is used in combination with many other drugs in limited quantities to cure many diseases.CBD stands for Cannabidiol, is a drug with positive and negative effects.

One type of cannabis is cannabis indica, in which tetra isidro cannabinol (THC) is chemically found and used for intoxication. The second type is sativa, In which cannabidol (CBD) is found. In which there is less intoxication. Its cultivation is ready in 90 to 120 days. Its plant goes from ten to 25 feet in height

We accept CBD content. Why?

Mostly websites don’t accept CBD content, due to negative effects. It is said that cannabis causes intoxication, but do you know that it is a very useful thing. There is a cure for many serious diseases. The ban on cannabis has been lifted in many countries including America, Canada, Australia, Portugal as well as about 10 thousand products of cannabis are being made in these countries.

If cannabis is taken as a medicine, it works to relieve physical pain. But do not make it a habit to take it regularly to relieve pain.

Guideline for submitting CBD related content:

If you have CBD related content, You can write to us.

The content should be 1000 words long.

Content should be unique and informative

Only one do follow link is allowed.

You can send your content at omkarnathshastri@gmail.com


CBD + Write for us:

If you can write informative content related to CBD, we can publish it free of cost. Because, it is no less than a medicine for health. Rich in properties such as antioxidants, vitamins, potassium, magnesium, minerals, and fiber, cannabis is a panacea treatment for problems such as cancer, arthritis pain and depression. Although cannabis causes intoxication, but its limited intake is good for health.

In 2013, researchers at the Commonwealth University of Virginia proved that the elements found in marijuana could avert epilepsy attacks. This research also appeared in the journal Science. According to the report, the cannabinoids compound connects the cells of the part of the brain that give peace to humans.

Ayurveda says that if someone has a persistent headache, make extracts of the juice of hemp leaves and put 2-3 drops in the ear, the headache will be eradicated gradually. Then it will end from the root.

Researchers at Nottingham University have proved that cannabis protects the brain from damage in the event of a stroke. Cannabis restricts the effect of stroke to certain parts of the brain.

Sometimes, our immune system starts harming healthy cells while fighting against diseases. This causes infection in the organs. This is called autoimmune disease. In 2014, South Carolina University proved that THC found in cannabis replaces the DNA of the molecule responsible for spreading the infection. Since then cannabis supplements are given to autoimmune patients.

We have a CBD Sub – Category  and Medicine Category in our website.

You can write any of these topics

CBD, cannabinoids, cannabinoids compound, Cannabis, Cannabaceae.