In today’s advanced medical technology, childless couples can once again realize their dream of having their own child. IVF is a procedure that has been making dreams to come true. But one major obstacle that couples have been facing when it comes to availing IVF treatment is the cost factor. Visiting the Best IVF Clinic in India, will help them to know the cost involved and what needs to be done and avoided.
Some options available for couples to avail IVF treatment
- Identify an infertility clinic which performs shared IVF cycles: Two women are said to go through IVF procedure’s initial phase simultaneously the shared IVF cycle. Some eggs are donated by one woman to the other, who is not in a position to use own eggs against reduced rates as determined by the clinic. This can help the couple to save on IVF costs by about 50%. The negative point here is that the person might not have many eggs to freeze, in case, the cycle does not achieve success as assumed to be.
- IVF research trials to ensure inexpensive or free treatment: There are few infertility clinics which boast of having IVF treatment trials or research and receive IVF grants and funding from the government or NGOs. It is important for the couple to carry out adequate research on the different clinics in the region and ensure it has earned reputation in the industry. Also, the facility needs to be checked out to make sure that it has a cooperative and friendly staff, equipment are well maintained and the rooms are neat and tidy. Carrying out IVF trial is likely to be inexpensive. Chances are there to avail free IVF treatment.
- Getting IVF treatment from an affordable country: It is without doubt that the developed industrialized nations have the best medical technology and doctors. But medical services and hospital stays are very expensive and at times beyond the means of the average person, especially if it is not covered under the insurance policy. This is what compels patients from the developed countries to seek medical aid and treatment at developing countries like India. Here, the patients can get treatment from the best and well qualified doctors having international exposure and specialized in their domain. Also are present top class facilities boasting of the latest medical equipment. The treatment provided is similar to that of the one that is offered in the United States or anywhere in Europe. During the visit, the cost of room for stay, travel and food is also very affordable. There are five star facilities offered here along with great sightseeing locations and calm and quiet places for faster recovery.
- Identify infertility clinic sharing donor egg cycles: It is possible for 2-3 women to share the donor’s eggs with shared donor-egg cycle. But the negative aspect from this procedure is that if sufficient egg is not produced by the donor for shared cycle, then it can pose to be a problem.
- Consider Mini IVF: Hormone and drug regimen taking place first is considered to be the only difference in this Mini IVF procedure. Fewer drugs are being used to simulate the ovary. In this procedure, there are produced superior quality eggs. The remaining IVF process is stated to be similar as the woman gets monitored by the experts throughout the drug regimen as well as during egg retrieval, embryo transfer and embryo fertilization which is similar to that of the traditional IVF. Moreover, the cost involved in this type is much lower.
- Identify fertility clinic having shared risk or refund program: It is termed to be a prepayment plan, with the person getting back full or partial refund, in case, pregnancy or live birth is not derived from the IVF treatment. The person firstly needs to pay flat upfront payment for specific IVF cycle numbers. Still, if she is not able to get pregnant even after the cycles, then she will get back 70-100 percent of the payment, depending upon the facility and the refund conditions laid by them at the start of the procedure. However, some limitations do exist depending upon policies of the fertility clinic with regards to services offered and age.
Checking out the above and identifying the Best IVF hospitals in India can help the couple to undergo the IVF treatment at cost effective rates and enjoy having a child.