11 Ways you can Eliminate Bad Breath

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Some people are convinced they are facing the problem of bad breath but some have terrible breath and not aware of it. If you want to give a check for your breath then don’t let alone judge its odor, ask someone you trust to get an honest opinion.

Origins of bad breath

Mouth ever filled with bacteria is considered as the origin of the bad breath. When you eat, food stuck inside the teeth gaps and these food gets home for bacteria colony to grow. This bacteria releases foul-smelling sulfur compounds.

Poor dental hygiene is the most common cause of bad breath. If you don’t brush and floss often then bacteria continue to grow inside the mouth and thin film of bacteria also known as plaque start building around your teeth.

When plaque isn’t brushed away it started releasing a foul odor and leads to another smelly process, tooth decay.

Digestion of sulfur-rich foods like onions and garlic releases sulfur compounds into your bloodstream. When the blood reaches your lungs, it affects your breath.

Other possible causes include acid reflux, infections, diabetes complications, and renal failure.

Most of the time bad breath or bad odor originates from the gums and tongue. More than 80 million people suffer from this condition of having chronic halitosis, or bad breath.

If you are one of them and finding your breath problematic, don’t worry there are numerous ways to eliminate bad breath. The following tips can help you to fight against bad breath as well as keep your mouth healthy daily.


  1. Brush and floss more often.

As mentioned above plaque is one of the reasons causing bad breath. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and floss at least once a day to flush bad breath causing bacteria out of the mouth. If you are concerned about your oral health and bad breath you can do this little more often.

You should have a habit of brushing teeth before going to bed. Two to three-minute brushing habits can remove plaque and food debris. Brushing baking soda over teeth makes it difficult for the bacteria that cause bad breath to grow. Change your toothbrush after every three to four months. Always choose the soft-bristled toothbrush as a soft bristle reaches every part of the teeth to clean it properly.

  1. Rinse your mouth out.

Along with brushing rinsing mouth with mouthwash adds extra protection to get rid of the bacteria. Be specific before going for mouthwash and choose one that is made to kill bad breath causing bacteria. Also, make the habit of rinsing the mouth with water after having a meal and breakfast. It helps to get rid of food particles stuck in between teeth gaps.

  1. Scrape your tongue.

Clean your tongue with tongue cleaner while brushing. It removes the bad breath causing bacteria coating from the tongue.

If you find your toothbrush too big reach the back of your tongue, try a tongue cleaner. They are designed to clean the tongue by applying even pressure on the tongue surface. This removes bacteria, food debris, and dead cells that brushing alone can’t remove.

  1. Avoid breath souring foods.

Avoid or limit the intake of the sulfur-rich foods like onions and garlic which releases sulfur components to the bloodstream and travel to your lungs eventually causes bad breath.

The best way to stop the problem is to avoid these types of food or at least don’t eat before you go to work or see friends?

  1. Quit the tobacco habit.

Besides causing cancer, chewing tobacco and smoking can damage your gums, stain your teeth, and give you bad breath.

Over-the-counter nicotine patches can help to quit the tobacco habit. If you are unable to tame the urge by yourself, make an appointment with your doctor to talk about quit-smoking programs or prescription medications that can help you give up tobacco habit for good.

  1. Chew gum for better saliva secretion

The bacteria inside our mouth love sugar. Bacteria use sugar to make acid. This creates a cavity inside the teeth and causes bad breath. So you are having a habit of chewing sugary gum then go for sugarless gum.

Another benefit of chewing gum is that gum chewing stimulates saliva secretion which acts as a natural defense mechanism against plaque acids.

  1. Keep your gums healthy.

Gum disease also causes bad breath. If you are suffering from any gum disease take treatment from a good periodontist. Massage your gums with a finger to keep it healthy

  1. Drink plenty of water.

Drinking plenty of water is good for overall health and it also helps in bad breath problems too. Less intake of water makes mouth dry which doesn’t enable us to make enough saliva. Less saliva secretion can cause tooth decay and bad breath.

Chew sugarless gum or suck on sugar-free hard candy to keep the mouth hydrated. Use of a humidifier at night moisten the air in your house.

  1. Munch on a carrot, a stick of celery or an apple.

Green vegetables and fruits are always healthy for a healthy smile. Having a snack of crispy, fresh fruits and vegetables allows your saliva flow to help wash away bacteria from teeth, tongue, and gums that can cause bad breath. An empty stomach builds the acid which causes bad breath. Green veggies and fruits also help to alleviate bad breath caused by hunger or fasting.

  1. Clean dentures or dental appliances.

If you under any dental procedure and wear a bridge or a denture, keep it clean as directed by your dentist. Cleaning it thoroughly at least once a day doesn’t allow bacteria to grow around it. If you use a dental retainer or mouth guard, clean it each time properly before every use.

  1. See your dentist.

Even after applying these tips your mouth continues to produce bad breath, find the best dental clinic and make an appointment with a dentist. He’ll find the origin of the problem to know it is related to other medical conditions and advice a treatment accordingly.


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