These are the best brands of feed for your dog


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An OCU study carries out the definitive feed buying guide according to age and race after analyzing 35 different brands.

The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) published this Tuesday a series of recommendations to better choose our dog’s food . 35 brands of feed have been analyzed in terms of nutritional quality (fats and minerals), ingredients (chicken, salmon, lamb, beef) and price (cheap or expensive).

The main conclusion reached by the study is that the most expensive products are generally the highest quality products on the market. The OCU points out that it does not depend so much on the type of protein, but on its quantity, as well as fats and minerals and the quality of the raw material.

Among all of them, three stand out:

  • Pro Plan Optiderma rich in salmon, at 5.95 euros per kilo
  • Auchan Expert chicken and rice (Alcampo), at 2.04 euros per kilo
  • Mediterranean bucket with fresh meat (Aldi) at 1.00 euro per kilo

The first of these, the most expensive, is “the best in analysis . ” It stands out, according to the OCU, for being a balanced product with an “outstanding” quality of raw materials.

Alcampo’s own brand, Auchan Expert Chicken and Rice, is labeled “the master purchase . ” It stands out, in the eyes of the organization, for being a feed with an “excellent value for money” and a notable percentage of digestible proteins and fats.

Aldi wins the award for being the supermarket with “a very cheap product”. In this case, it is “the other master purchase” for its nutritional quality, although it does highlight an excess of calcium.


A ten-pound dog, the OCU warns, consumes about 250 grams a day. In this case, the cost of the daily ration varies according to the recommendation: with the Master Purchase of Auchán , with the best value for money, it would come out to about 0.50 cents a day (180 euros a year). With others, of equal nutritional quality or even lower, the price rises to 3 euros a day (1,100 euros a year).

Among the analyzed products there are large price differences. The owners can choose, although without prejudice to the animal. The feed analyzed, the OCU states in the document, is sufficient for the animal to be properly fed.


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